Oncodermatology nursing panel
Information day for dermatology nurses.
Information day for dermatology nurses.
National survey of French nephrologists asking them about their practice and perceptions of the overall management of patients with cancer.
Supported the organisation of regional meetings for neurologists focusing on discussion of the course of Multiple Sclerosis…
Joint organisation, logistics and follow-up of regional medical boards focusing on the challenges of early management of schizophrenia.
Designed a series of newsletters aiming to provide regular information on advocacy to haematologists, in order to boost awareness of the limitations of autologous transfusion.
National survey on the practice and perceptions of haematologists in the management of comorbidities in lymphomas.
Campagne de sensibilisation des hématologues au dépistage de la maladie de Gaucher. Des cartes postales et newsletters ont été envoyés par courrier à ces médecins.
Couverture scientique des conférences internationales sur le VIH (IAS et ICAAC) en 2013 et diffusion des reportages lors d’une webconférence diffusée en direct sur Internet.
Designed a slide presentation and iPad app to train nurses in a new method of administering a treatment for breast cancer.
National survey conducted among French haematologists and infectious disease specialists on their practice and perceptions of the management of hepatitis C.